What’s the deal with Hemp?

Hemp is a super plant which offers many solutions to environmental issues. From farming to industrial applications, hemp is the sustainable answer to the many harmful factors that damage our planet.

For starters, hemp produces more biomass, a clean energy source, than any other plant.  It can be grown organically because it is resistant to insects and disease. This allows farmers to grow hemp without using pesticides or other chemicals that are harmful to crops and the soil. The strength of hemp during the grow process results in a plant that can reach up to 20 feet tall, containing the most durable, natural-fiber in the world as well as other useful resources.

Hemp has been farmed legally around the world for over 10,000 years. Hemp was legal to grow in the United Stated for the first 160 years. It wasn’t until the banning of marijuana in the 1930’s that made hemp illegal in the US. The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, a highly controversial subject to say the least, deemed hemp illegal to grow in the US simply because of the misunderstanding between the two plants.

The harvestable components of hemp are industrially applied to fabrics, clothing, biofuels, paper, medicine and more. Seeds can be pressed to create oils which are used for food, paints, and varnishes. Cannabinoids are chemical compounds used for medical purposes.

Hemp is finding its way back into the United States. Several states are willing explore the benefits of farming hemp though many hurdles still remain. Strict government regulations require farmers to obtain a growing license. This is known to be a relatively difficult and slow process but should be easier in the future.

At Times Hemp Company, we want to make use of this incredible resource not only with our brand, but as an industry in general. By creating Hemp products for consumers, we can promote and influence an industrial future that prioritizes environmental safety.









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